full transcript

From the Ted Talk by LeeAnn Renninger: The secret to giving great feedback

Unscramble the Blue Letters

OK, are you ready for it? Here we go. The first part of the fomrula is what we call the micro-yes. Great feedback givres begin their feedback by asking a question that is sohrt but intrpomat. It lets the brain know that feedback is actually coming. It would be something, for example, like, "Do you have five minutes to talk about how that last conversation went" or "I have some ideas for how we can improve things. Can I share them with you?" This micro-yes question does two things for you. First of all, it's going to be a pacing tool. It lets the other person know that feedback is about to be given. And the second thing it does is it creates a mnemot of buy-in. I can say yes or no to that yes or no question. And with that, I get a feeling of autonomy.

Open Cloze

OK, are you ready for it? Here we go. The first part of the _______ is what we call the micro-yes. Great feedback ______ begin their feedback by asking a question that is _____ but _________. It lets the brain know that feedback is actually coming. It would be something, for example, like, "Do you have five minutes to talk about how that last conversation went" or "I have some ideas for how we can improve things. Can I share them with you?" This micro-yes question does two things for you. First of all, it's going to be a pacing tool. It lets the other person know that feedback is about to be given. And the second thing it does is it creates a ______ of buy-in. I can say yes or no to that yes or no question. And with that, I get a feeling of autonomy.


  1. formula
  2. important
  3. moment
  4. short
  5. givers

Original Text

OK, are you ready for it? Here we go. The first part of the formula is what we call the micro-yes. Great feedback givers begin their feedback by asking a question that is short but important. It lets the brain know that feedback is actually coming. It would be something, for example, like, "Do you have five minutes to talk about how that last conversation went" or "I have some ideas for how we can improve things. Can I share them with you?" This micro-yes question does two things for you. First of all, it's going to be a pacing tool. It lets the other person know that feedback is about to be given. And the second thing it does is it creates a moment of buy-in. I can say yes or no to that yes or no question. And with that, I get a feeling of autonomy.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
great feedback 5
feedback givers 4
feedback formula 3
blur words 3
feedback giver 2
data point 2
pulling feedback 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
great feedback givers 4

Important Words

  1. autonomy
  2. brain
  3. call
  4. coming
  5. conversation
  6. creates
  7. feedback
  8. feeling
  9. formula
  10. givers
  11. great
  12. ideas
  13. important
  14. improve
  15. lets
  16. minutes
  17. moment
  18. pacing
  19. part
  20. person
  21. question
  22. ready
  23. share
  24. short
  25. talk
  26. tool